Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meat Matters, more than just in your belly!

Some of us do not like to think, or don't think, about all of the agents involved in our food system. But its important to do that, and once you know, you can change. Thinking about how increased meat consumption effects your body but also your environment is important, it will help you make healthier choices that go beyond you and effect other people, the environment, and even animals in the world.

For example increased meat consumption increases prices of grains like corn used to feed livestock, but in turn increases research on corn to make corn more plentiful and adaptable, still increasing mono-crop production, reducing diversity in our farms and food systems, increasing pesticide use, therefore more need for research, just to increase animals for meat consumption, which increases pollution in our drinking water, and antibiotics in our water, having diverse and adverse effects on us all...........................and it goes on.

Its actually a beautiful thing in my mind rather than a dooms day thing, because we actually have the power to make changes, just by changing how and where we eat and get our food from. So tomorrow if you are gonna buy some meat to eat, try getting it from your local farmer or look for food that is fairly traded, and yes, even organic you skeptics, I say organic is better than not, even if it is a muddy water concept. Change one item at a time. See how it changes the way you think, know that you are supporting a healthier world for today, and for your children to come.

Check this discussion on IFPRI.INFO called "Meat Matters" about why meat matters and some of the research too back it up.

Monday, June 25, 2012

When Diet is Wrong, Medicine is of No Use; When Diet is Correct Medicine is of No Need.

This old Ayurvedic proverb got me thinking today. How is it that we have gotten so far from our food, that even our medicine has too. Synthetic medicine, synthetic food, it plagues us in ways we don't see or taste. We have allowed our purchasing power to guide this, in an unintentional yet intentional way. Its very unfortunate, for us, and for our food as well. But its no doomsday, we can recover, we can change. And when we decide to make that change to eating in more healthful ways, we can often see results immediately. I love that about our bodies, we have the capacity to be amazing healers right inside of us. We do not need to seek help from without, our bodies have evolved for thousands of years to assist us in healing our ailments, food as evolved much in the same way to benefit us in that process. Check out this amazing New York Times article on how we are learning about our bodies capacity to heal. Tending the Body’s Microbial Garden.

So celebrate your body and the food we have all around us. I am going to make a Wild Clover Salad today and enjoy the benefits of this common 'weed' that is crazy tasty and super good for you!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

So Excited for Zucchini!!!!

The zucchini in my garden are flowering right now! I am trying to be patient, but I am so excited I need to try this recipe with my home-grown zucchini. I can't wait.

Zucchini Fritters with Feta

1 lb zucchini, grated
1/2 tsp salt
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, minced
6 small shiitake mushrooms, chopped 
2 eggs
1tbsp chopped fresh mint
150g feta, crumbled
5 tbsp homemade bread crumbs, I like to use a pepper bread or pepper crackers for this
freshly grated black pepper
olive oil for frying

Put the grated zucchini in a colander, sprinkle with salt, mix and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Squeeze out any excess liquid, this makes them crispier in the end. You can however squeeze the water out right away and start the process, it just may not turn out as good, either way though its mouthwatering! 
In a medium bowl, combine the zucchini, mushroom, shallot, garlic, eggs, mint, feta and freshly toasted and crushed pepper bread. Season with salt and pepper.

Heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat. Form patties to your liking, and put into the pan. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side. Transfer cooked patties on a paper towel to drain excess oil from them.