Monday, November 26, 2012

I don't even like Macaroni and Cheese, this twist makes it irresistable!

Bechamel and Carmelized cheddar Mac N Cheez with a side of kale chips.

I learned this style of cooking macaroni and cheese while working at Zingerman's Roadhouse. My recipe is not the same, it is a richer version and somehow......just so happens to taste better......Sorry chef Alex :o!

The main thing that makes this dish so delicious is the bechamel cream sauce as the base. You will look up a lot of recipes for the perfect combination, only to find out that in my opinion it really depends on your taste preference to reveal what is right for you. Either way, I discovered this to be right for me, and its fantastic!

What you need:
Bechamel Cream Sauce [recipe below]
1 box Penne Pasta
1 package sharp white cheddar, I use a Tillamook cheddar.  
Kale chips

Kale chips:
turn oven on to 375, toss whole leaf kale in olive oil, bake until crispy, sprinkle a little sea salt on top.

Bechamel Cream Sauce: 
2 cups organic heavy whipping cream
2 cups water
4 T unsalted organic butter
1 T organic white unbleached flour
1/2 chopped small white onion
1 clove garlic minced
Black peppercorn grinder

melt the butter
add flour and stir until fully mixed in
slowly add cream and water, add garlic and onions, do a few twists of peppercorn, simmer up to 15 minutes, stirring frequently

Use a nice penne pasta, organic preferably

A sharp white cheddar is ideal, I use a whole package of Tillamook to a whole box of pasta.

How to cook it:
First I will say I am no recipe follower, I try new things and add my own flare. so here it goes, trying the straight and narrow.

Use 1 cup prepared bechamel, 1 cup prepared pasta, and 2 T cheese.

Heat up a saute pan over medium heat, add a splash of oil, and add bechamel cream sauce to the pan. let heat up and then add cheddar, let sink to the bottom and sit for a few, then start stirring to melt the cheddar all the way, some of the cheddar may carmalize and brown on the bottom of the pan. If you can make this happen even better. Carmelized cheddar tastes amazing. Once cheddar is fully melted, add the pasta, heat up and toss, and serve with a side of kale chips, or screw it and throw the kale chips in the mac n cheez, even better!

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