Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We don't NEED table salt while cooking, get creative, get healthy.

If you are one who seeks flavor in your food, and finds that salt must always be added, or if you are one who simply follows recipes and does not think about what you are doing, then I will propose two simple, life and health changing options to you. If today, you tried to stop cooking with salt, what would you replace it with? Salt does not need to be used, yet because it is highly addictive for us humans, just like sugar and fat, salt is essential for our survival. What we know today though is that foods high in sugar, fat and salt trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins, and we have had our food manipulated enough, that just in the right amount, we become obese.

So to fight against the "machine" and resist being manipulated by big food corporations and their strange tactics to make us fat, and as a result deal with other diet-related health problems, start here:

1. Add a nice, more expensive, sea salt at the end of your meal preparation, you will find a delicious brain triggering surprise, as well as you will save money on bad unhealthy foods, help to prevent bloating from your diet, and save on your health.

2. Add CHEESE! sounds like a crazy thing to say, but a little feta goes a long way. I am not talking about cheap, tasteless mozzerella, or scary orange and still tasteless cheddar. I am asking you to spend more initially and to get more health-wise and taste-wise out of your meals.  oh and I am saying you have to do a little labor, ie actually shred or cut your own cheese. But trust me, you will thank me. If you don't know what to get ask at the counter at a nice cheese store I love really nice sharp provolone, romano, asiago, parmasan, goat, and feta cheeses. Use little and get a lot.

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