Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Umami Beans Babay!

I am experimenting with beans and mushrooms. Why you may ask, well I am not much of a meat eater. I prefer not to label myself, in the past I have sampled labels like crab-a-tarian and bacon-a-tarion, but for the most part I prefer to stay open. I will try just about anything, as long as I know the food I am eating was not stressed out [prevent ingesting stressed out meat] or eating an unhealthy or  inappropriate diet. Umami is considered to be part of 5 basic tastes. It's crazy how you notice it quite clearly with meat. Meat has this savory element, and to a point its addictive in the moment. You want to just eat a ton of it! [AND we all suffer the consequences later....] Regardless, I have found a new appreciation for shiitake mushrooms and truffle salt. So enjoy these mushroomy beans filled with umami and health.

-1 can of Eden [BPA free] Organic Cannelleni beans.
-1 cup shiitakke mushrooms, chopped to your liking, if a texture freak, cut it up uber small.
-3 cloves garlic, chopped.
-2 cups kale, chopped up small, can use spinach if you want.
-1 cup cooked wild rice or quinoa whatever. noodles if you want to. [flavor the water with garlic and truffle salt too. it makes a big dif]
-1 T unsalted 'happy cow' butter.
-2 T extra virgin olive oil
-1 T optional balsamic vinegar
-Sprinkle Parmesan cheese
-Truffle salt [or plain sea salt the good stuff if you have it there are trace minerals in there!]
-Black pepper

First, brown garlic in butter and 1 T oil in saute pan on low heat. Add mushrooms and saute for a few, then add kale or spinach, and beans and sprinkle truffle salt [not too much like 1/2 a tsp] and pepper on it. cook cook cook, move around in the pan..... then add rice at the end. mix to heat. put on a plate and sprinkle balsamic vinegar and add cheese on top. serve as a side or a main.

"Long a symbol of longevity in Asia because of their health-promoting properties, shiitake mushrooms have been used medicinally by the Chinese for more than 6,000 years."
  • immune system support.
  • cardiovascular system support.
  • good, non-animal food source of iron.
  • considered one of the most sustainable foods.
Mushrooms - Shiitake
5.00 oz-wt, raw
141.75 grams
48.19 calories
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
vitamin B35.50 mg27.510.3excellent
vitamin B52.13 mg21.38.0excellent
vitamin B20.31 mg18.26.8very good
manganese0.33 mg16.56.2very good
phosphorus158.76 mg15.95.9very good
fiber3.54 g14.25.3very good
potassium430.91 mg12.34.6very good
selenium8.08 mcg11.54.3very good
copper0.20 mg10.03.7very good
zinc1.46 mg9.73.6very good
vitamin D28.35 IU7.12.6good
magnesium28.35 mg7.12.6good
protein3.18 g6.42.4good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
excellent DV>=75% OR
Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%
very good DV>=50% OR
Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%
good DV>=25% OR
Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%

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