Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eating for your Heart: The truth about Heart Disease from one professional to you

World Renown Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

Well its chronic inflammation. What reduces inflammation? Eating fresh fruits and veggies [organic] EVERY SINGLE DAY, and actually having it make up the majority of your diet EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!! Its quick, its simple, its easy, and its more convenient then the microwave foods, and you reduce waste if you eat simple. In most countries where mass consumption is not part of the daily grind, they eat the same, complete, healthy meal every single day. Variety is good, but its more important just to get the basics, than replace them with the crap in the freezer isle or the dried processed wired microwavable foods where you just add water. What has the world come to. That is not food people!

Here is an excellent heart healthy meal:

Arugula Salad
2 cups Fresh picked Arugula, check out your local farmers market, or grow your own!
1 T Olive oil
1 T balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup peas, you can use beans also.
Sprinkle fresh grated Parmesan or feta or goat cheese.
Add fresh ground pepper.

mix together and enjoy!

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